Monday, January 18, 2021

Article Writing



  • LAYOUT : TITLE &BY     (1 MARK)
  • CONTENT                           (3MARKS)
  • ACCURACY                        (3 MARKS)


  • Give a title that catches the attention of the reader.
  • Begin with a striking opening sentence that attracts the readers and gets them interested in the topic.
  • Introduce a new point at the beginning of each paragraph  to strengthen your ideas.
  • Present a strong argument for your ideas supporting it with evidences or elaboration.
  • Use linking words (however, therefore, although, even though, in order to ……) to form a coherent composition.
  • Use passive voice, humour, emotive language, rhetorical questions to provide a specific effect. The humour  should however be subtle and not overpower the article.
  • Develop your ideas as much as you can to make them interesting and substantial.
  • Conclude with your strongest point.
  • Clarity of writing can be ensured only by knowing the purpose of writing.
  • Do not add too many quotations. It takes away the essence of the article.
  • Remember to proofread and edit your writing.
  • Adhere to the given word limit.



Eye catching, illustrating the central themes


Writer’s name , either at the end or immediately below the title.


Establish the context through a topic sentence.

Focus on the positives and negatives of the topic.

Put the topic in perspective.

Draw the reader’s attention. Specify and delimit your topic.

Put a rhetorical question or give some startling facts or statistics.


Spell out the various aspects of the topic- merits, demerits, causes, consequences, effects, advantages, disadvantages.


Give your opinion, comments, criticism and recommendations.

Conclude with a hope, a warning, an appeal or a call for action.


You are Asha Awasthi. You have been asked by your teacher to write an article on “ Why is Tourism not flourishing  in India ?”



Asha Awasthi

India is known for its rich flora and fauna, beautiful landscapes, glorious past and varied cultural trends. All this makes India a major tourist attraction. However, the reality is far from this. Tourism in India has been constantly suffering  setbacks due to its inefficient tourism industry.

Filthy roads, rickety buses, overpriced taxis, delayed trains, all make travelling a nightmare in India, Moreover, the absence of decent and hygienic accommodations at a reasonable  cost, often dissuades tourists from visiting India. Besides, the growing menace of terrorism is a huge deterrent for tourists.

The Government of India needs to put in concerted efforts in place to revamp tourism in the country. Utmost emphasis should be placed on infrastructure development   and beefing up the security. Such efforts will certainly make India the most favoured tourist destination in the world.


Morning assembly in the schools gives a cool and calm start to the otherwise hectic schedule of the day. It can be a means of passing important information to the students. Write an article in 150- 200 words on “ Importance of morning assembly” . You are Navtej/ Navita.



An advertisement is a public announcement made through a popular medium like newspapers, magazines, television, radio and the cinema. An advertisement may be displayed on a placard as well. It is non-personal, oral or visual message regarding a product, a service or an idea. (F-1m, C-1m, E- 1m) 


1. Classified Advertisements

2. Commercial Advertisements


A Classified advertisement is written by an employer who is looking for the services of a person in his organisation or to sell/purchase/rent any property or for many other purposes. 




This advertisement is written by an employer who is looking for the services of a person in his organisation.


This is written by a job-seeker.


This is written in an attempt to sell property, assets, office goods, etc.


This is written by a person looking for tenants for his/her property.


Written by the ones looking for a place for accommodation.


Written by institutions to publicise themselves


This is written while looking for prospective marriage candidates


This is written in case any object/person/pet goes missing giving descriptive details for the same.


Written by tourist companies to attract clients


1. Situation Vacant: 

You are P. Sharma of Varanasi. You want an English (a Mathematics! tutor for year daughter. Write an advertisement to be published in the classified columns of a local newspaper.


Wanted a lady tutor to coach a girl of class XII in English. Only ladies with a minimum five year’s experience of teaching S.S.C.E will be considered. Emoluments : travelling expenses plus 2000 to 2500 p.m. depending upon the calibre and experience. Contact: P. Sharma, 128L, Ring Road, Varanasi. 

2. Situation Wanted: 

You are Shirish Saxena of 47, Mall Road, Shimla. You are a young man of 35 with seven years of experience as an expert executive. You seek an immediate change to some prestigious export house in Mumbai ! Bangalore. Draft a suitable advertisement for the ‘Situation Wanted’ column of a National Daily. 



A highly experienced young export executive in top export house needs change to some prestigious export house in Mumbai / Bangalore. Familiar with E-Commerce, marketing administration advance license etc. Minimum salary expected: 

35,000+perks. Please write to Shirish Saxena, 47, The Mall, Shimla Tel.: 0177-2437195 

3. For Sale/Purchase: 

You want to purchase a flat. Draft an advertisement in about 5o words for a newspaper, detailing your requirements and your capacity to pay.



For purchase DLF Flat in South City / DLF Colony with three bed-rooms, D/D with family lounge. Comer flat preferred. Price around 20 to 25 lacs. Bonafide owners or dealers to contact. M.K. Bhasin, 12, Pandara Road, New Delhi-110001. Phone 23285062. 

4. To Let: 

You want to let out a flat. Prepare an advertisement to this effect for publication in a newspaper, giving location of the building, nature of accommodation, rent expected etc.


Available on rent Sushant Lok, Ansals MIG flats, II floor, two B/Rs, lobby, balcony, fully furnished, well-ventilated. Walking distance from main market & taxi stand. Rent expected 5000 (fixed). Company lease preferred. Contact Subodh 2B/31, Sushant Lok, Ph. 27521012 

5. Accommodation Wanted: 

You are the General Manager Coal India Ltd., New Delhi. Write an advertisement to be published in a newspaper for suitable accommodation on rent to be used as a 

guest¬house for the company. 



Coal India, New Delhi wants suitable accommodation on rent to be used as a guest house. Minimum carpet area of 2500 sq. feet in a posh South Delhi area preferred. Interested parties may please contact 5, Balu, G.M. Coal India, 35 Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi or Phone: 22524876 

6. Educational: 

You are the Director of Coaching academy. Write an advertisement for publication in newspaper, for admission to the various courses being provided in your institute. Answer: 


Apex Business Management Institute offers one year diploma courses in computer programming and business management. Eligibility – Senior Secondary. Batches of 20, subdivided into 4 groups for practical training/field work. Excellent faculty. Fee – 

₹ 2500 payable quarterly. Last date for submitting applications – 25 June. Contact, Director ABMI or Phone 26259801. 

7. Matrimonial: 

Write an advertisement for the ‘Matrimonial’ column of a newspaper for a Bisa Aggarwal girl, working as Sales Officer in a leading export house.


Proposal invited for a Bisa Aggarwal girl, 25 years, 158 cm, working as sales officer in a leading export house, income in six figures per annum. Parents having business at Mumbai and Overseas. Boy’s merit main consideration. Professional with business 

background preferred. Early and decent marriage. Write to Box No. 7364, The Times of India, Mumbai-400001. 

8. Missing: 

You have lost your purse. Draft an advertisement suitable to be given in the local daily. (Invent details). Your advertisement should not exceed 50 words.


Lost black leather purse in DTC bus (route no. 315), while travelling between Lucknow Road and Red Fort. Beside cash it contains some very important bills and receipts. Finder will be suitably rewarded. Please contact: Anil Sood, B-67, Lucknow Road, New Delhi or Phone 27618456. 

9. Tours and Travels: 

Globe Travels, G-76, Connaught Circus, New Delhi, offers its patrons cheapest air tickets for any destination by an airline besides offering consultancy and exchange service. Draft an advertisement for publication in a national daily in about 50 words. Answer: 


Cheapest air tickets available for any airline, any destination. New York-35,500; San Francisco-35,000; Toranto-34,500; London-19,400. Visa insurance consultancy, buy/ sell currencies. Visit Globe Travels, G-76 Connaught Circus, New Delhi. Phone : 23723777, 23355055, 23355955. 


Commercial advertisements are inserted by leading manufacturers, establishments, organisations etc. for the publicity and promotion of their products, services or some events. 

Main Characteristics: 

Designed for commercial purposes.
More space, more expensive in terms of the advertising costs. Visually attractive — varying font size or shape.
Language: colourful and lucid — catchy slogans, punch lines, witty expressions and pictures or sketches.
Proportionate spacing. 


On behalf of a young T.V. producer, draft an advertisement to attract young faces and cute kids to act in mega T.V. serial with multistar cast.

• • • • 



Poem: A Thing of Beauty (Flamingo)


(John Keats)


The very opening line of the poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty…. ‘ openly recites the very theme of the poem. Any beautiful object is always treasured in our mind because it provides us eternal and everlasting joy. The happiness that anything beautiful provides, never fades into nothingness but multiplies manifold whenever it returns to our mind.


This poem presents the reader with the views of Keats on beauty and its value, and its ‘ importance to humans. Beauty, in whatever form it may be found, is an eternal joy to humans, because it offers humans the constant opportunity to reflect on that beauty, which stands in such stark contrast to the dejection, monotony and ugliness of our everyday lives.

In spite of all the difficulties and the sufferings that humans face, beauty has the ability to produce happiness and temporarily shift the burdens that humans bear.

Keats therefore, establishes that in his view of the world, life for humans consists of unremitting struggles and difficulties, and it is only beauty in its various guises that is able to shift those trials and at least temporarily produce happiness. The poem concludes with a list of things that constitute “beauty” for Keats, which include both physical objects which are examples of natural beauty such as daffodils, and also beauty that can be found in art, such as “the lovely tales we have heard or read”.

All of these forms of beauty act as “an endless fountain of immortal drink”, allowing humans to forget bleak reality and experience joy. This poem therefore, focuses on the theme of happiness and how it can be experienced. It inspires us and gives us the courage to fight against all odds.


Q1. What does the line, "Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth suggest to you?

It means that we get attached to the beautiful things around us and weave a pretty band which binds us with our life, it becomes the reason for us to live.

Q2.What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?

The eternal beauty of various things gives us happiness and relaxation. It makes us love life inspite of life's troubles and sufferings.

Q3.Why is grandeur associated with the mighty dead?

The noble deeds of the brave men who sacrificed their lives are an inspiration for us forever. The beautiful legacy of their bravery is the grandeur which is associated with the mighty dead.

Q4.Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression on us?

According to the poet, a thing of beauty is a joy forever. Even if we see it for a few moments, it has a lasting impression on us and its beautiful memory stays with us forever. It inspires us to live, despite the ruthlessness of life. 

Q5.What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth?

The beautiful bounty of the earth is described by -endless fountain of immortal drink- which signifies that God bestows us with all his beautiful creations which help us live despite the sad, gloomy aspects of life.

Poem: Aunt Jeniffer's Tiger (Flamingo)

                                             POEM: AUNT JENIFFER’S TIGER (Flamingo) 

                                                                                                        (Adrienne Rich) 

Key Points: 

  • In this poem, the poet addresses the constraints of married life, experienced by a woman.
  • Aunt Jennifer weaves tigers into the panel. These tigers are brave & have no fear of men.
  • Aunt Jennifer is terrified by her dominating husband. Her finger flutters due to the mental suppression. She is not happy with her married life.
  • She will die but her art will express her desire to move proudly and fearlessly like the tigers she has made. 
    The poet expresses the inner feelings of a woman - Aunt Jennifer. The aunt is embroidering a motif comprising of energetic, fearless tigers moving freely around the bright greenery.
    She is living a life of submissiveness to her husband’s command. Her acts are dominated by him and she fears him constantly. This pattern of the free and fearless tigers reflects her inner desire to live a free and fearless life. The tigers are graceful, elegant and bright. 
    Aunt Jennifer’s fingers tremble as she embroiders. She is old but still fears her husband. She does not enjoy the freedom to do anything as per her wish. She is scared doing the embroidery too and fears his wrath. Since the day she got married, she has been fulfilling the demands of her husband. The wedding ring on her hand is a constant reminder that she belongs to her husband. The burden of the demanding marriage has exhausted her. The torment will not end until her death. 
    Even after her death, the ring will remain on her hand and she will never be free. On the other hand, the tigers that she is embroidering will continue to move around freely forever. Her desire of freedom and fearlessness will live on through her tigers. 
    Question.1. What are the difficulties that Aunt Jennifer faced in her life? (2014) or
    What are the ordeals that Aunt Jennifer faced in her life? (2009) 

Answer. Aunt Jennifer was probably a victim of oppression at the hands of the patriarchal society. She was subjugated by her husband and the weight of the wedding band i.e. her wedding ring, felt heavy on her hand. She was so terrified that her hands fluttered even when she carried something so light as wool. 

Question.2. How are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers different from her? ( 2014)
How are the tigers different from her? (2009)
Answer. Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are created by her on the tapestry. However, they present a sharp contrast to their creator. While the Aunt is weak, meek and submissive and is scared of expressing her feelings openly, the tigers are strong, fearless and confident. They are bold creatures and are scared of no one. The aunt is in bonded in matrimony and faces several restrictions. On the other hand, the tigers move about freely. 

Question.3. How does Aunt Jennifer express her bitterness and anger against male dominance?
Answer. Aunt Jennifer is too terrified to openly resist the oppression that she is victim of. She expresses her bitterness and anger against male dominance silently through her art. She creates tigers on her tapestry; animals that are symbolic of bravery, fearlessness and strength. Besides, she portrays these tigers as creatures unafraid of the men around them. The tigers she creates are wild and free from any kind of bondage. 

Question.4.What will happen to Aunt Jennifer’s tigers when she is dead? (2013) Answer. The tigers created by Aunt Jennifer are eternal. They will keep on prancing even after her death. She probably wants to convey that the tigers which represent the Aunt’s inner sense of freedom will stay forever. 

Question.5.What lies heavily on Aunt Jennifer’s hand? How is it associated with her husband?

What is the weight that lies heavy on Aunt Jennifer’s hand? How is it associated with her husband? (2010)
Answer. The weight that lies heavy on Aunt Jennifer’s hand is the wedding band, which symbolises the weight of her married life. Probably, the weight has burdened 

her so much that she feels subjugated. Aunt Jennifer had a troubled married life with a dominating and oppressive husband. 

Question.6. Why did Aunt Jennifer choose to embroider tigers on the panel? (2009)
Answer. Aunt Jennifer chose to embroider tigers on the panel because for her, the tigers were the symbols of bravery, fearlessness and strength. These creatures are not afraid of the men around them. Her embroidering the tigers is perhaps an expression of her own bitterness and anger against male dominance. 

Question.7. How do the words, ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of Aunt Jennifer’s tigers? (2012)
How do ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of the tiger’s attitudes? (2011) 

Answer. ‘Denizens’ denotes occupants or citizens and ‘chivalric’ points to fearlessness, honour, bravery and majesty. Tigers are very possessive about their territory. They live on their own terms and fear none, as they regard themselves superior in their own domain, The poet finds similarities between the propensity-of tigers and men. 

Question.8.Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that Die so different from her own character? What might the poet be suggesting through this difference? (2011)
Answer. Aunt Jennifer is a weak and terrified person who, all through her life, was suppressed by the constraints of marriage. The animals that she is creating in her panel are very different, as they are chivalric and do not fear men. They are a symbol of strength, fierceness and beauty. They represent Aunt Jennifer’s suppressed desire to become bold and fearless, and free from oppression. The poet wants to emphasise the spirit and desire for freedom which is innate in all human beings. 

Question.9. How does the poet describe Aunt Jennifer’s tigers?(2008)
Describe the tigers created by Aunt Jennifer. (2008,2009)
Answer. According to the poet, Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are golden-yellow in colour. He describes them as prancing across the screen. They are denizens of a world of green. The tigers are sleek, chivalric, majestic and elegant. Also, they are brave and fearless. 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Prose: The Third Level (Vistas)


              (Jack Finney)

Key Points:

  • The story revolves around a 31 year old man named Charley, who experienced something weird. 
  • One day after work coming from the Subway, he reached the third level of the Grand Central station (which doesn't actually exist). 
  • He reminisces the entire experience with his psychiatrist friend Sam. 
  • Charley thought he experienced time travel and had reached somewhere in the eighteen-nineties, a time before the world saw two of its most deadliest wars. 
  • As soon as he realised what time he is in, he immediately decided to buy two tickets to Galesburg, Illinois; one for himself and the other for his wife. 
  • Unfortunately, the currency used in that century was different. Thus, the next day he withdrew all his savings and got them converted even if it meant bearing losses. 
  • He went looking for the third level but failed to find it. It worried his wife and the psychiatrist Sam who told him that he is hallucinating in order to take refuge from reality and miseries of the modern world which is full of worry. 
  • Charley thus resorts to his stamp collection in order to distract himself when suddenly one day he finds a letter from his friend Sam who had gone missing recently. 
  • Sam wrote that he always wanted to believe in the idea of third level and now that he is there himself, he encourages Charley and Louisa to never stop looking for it.


Q1. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why? 

A. Yes, the third level was a medium of escape for Charley. Life in the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worries and stress. A person has to struggle with these realities for his existence. The harsh realities of life make living quite unpleasant, tough and sometimes unbearable. A person resorts to escapism when he finds it difficult to confront with these difficulties in life. 

Charley possesses an escapist tendency. It is certainly a medium of escape for him. Actually there was no ‘third level’ at all. It was merely a psychological shift in time and space of Charley's own mind where he combines fantasy with reality. Charley finds comfort and peace in a world of fancy and romance. He finds himself into the world of 1894. It was a world of romance with wooden gates, derby hats, beards, and sideburns. Everything was very nice and peaceful where he did not require any refuge from reality. 

Q2. What do you infer from Sam's letter to Charley? 

A. In his letter Sam had written that he had found the Third Level, two weeks ago. According to the letter he was very happy to be in a very peaceful and hospitable town. 

But the way Charley comes across Sam's letter is quite mysterious. The various circumstances in which Charley found the letter and also described it indicate that the letter is another piece of Charley's escapist fantasies. In other words, it is another "walking-dream wish fulfilment" of Charley. 

Q3. "The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry, and stress." What are the ways in which we attempt to overcome them? 

A. Unlike the good old days, the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry, and stress. The constant struggling with these harsh realities for our existence makes our lives unpleasant and bitter. We attempt to overcome them through wishful thinking and escape into the world of fantasy. One takes refuge into the unreal world of imagination forgetting harsh realities. This could be a psychological shift in time and space for one’s mind. Some people who are of creative minds find some useful occupation to overcome negative thoughts. Some keep themselves busy in social service whereas some writes poems, stories, and plays to find an emotional refuge or solace in an imaginary world. 

Charley in the lesson “The Third Level” too indulges in fantasies in order to overcome the stress and strain of our modern world. Philately keeps the past alive for him. 

Q4. Do you see an intersection of time and space in the story? 

A. Yes, there is an intersection of time and space in the story The Third Level. 

In the story the narrator moves from present to past. Along with time there is a shift of space and place too. From his real presence in New York, he imagines himself in Galesburg, Illinois. This shift of time and space is totally psychological or imaginary. In the story 'The Third Level', the narrator (Charley) belongs to the present time but describes an experience of the last century on his imaginary ‘Third Level’. Later he opens an envelope which somebody mailed to his grandfather at his home in Galesburg. The postmark shows that it has been there among the first-day covers since July 18, 1894. Surprisingly it has a note written by Sam dated July 18, 1894 rand addressed to the narrator Charley. All these seem to be highly illogical and confusing. This is because the writer has made intersection of different times and spaces in his story. 

Q5. Apparent illogicality sometimes turns out to be a futuristic projection. Discuss. 

A. Dreams are apparently illogical. But in the background of every invention, there was an imagination or dream by somebody at some point of time in the past. Once, Oliver would have dreamt of flying in the air like a bird, and somebody else of having equipment for wireless video communications in every pocket which, although seemed to be irrational then, became realities in future. Our unconscious mind has a remarkable capacity to manipulate things. Several times, our seemingly illogical behaviours turn out to be a futuristic projection. Man's unconscious mind may interpret such events in whatever ways but, there is no dearth of examples of such acts, like - 

  1. In a fiction ‘1984’, George Orwell could imagine about the radical transformations that will take place in the communist world. Decades ago, he drew a picture of diminishing of the then Soviet Union into many states. Soviet Union does not exist anymore as it disintegrated into many states. An apparently illogical description by George Orwell turned out to be a futuristic projection. 
  2. Many believe that an astrologer named Michel de Nostradamus could predict the future. His predictions of the future have mystified scholars for over 400 years. Nostradamus made over 1000 predictions and historians say that over half of them, have already come true. His predictions at the time when he did must have seemed to be illogical although kept on proving true even after centuries. 

Q6. Philately helps keep the past alive. Discuss other ways in which this is done. What do you think of the human tendency to constantly move between the past, the present, and the future? 

A. Philately is one of the oldest but effective ways to keep the past alive. The study of stamps is known as philately. Stamps reflect a country's history, culture, and civilization. Philately gives us an idea as well as reminds us of past events, prominent personalities, historical monuments, geography, flora, and fauna of present and past. Some other ways in which this is done are through the study of coins (numismatics), archaeology, the study of fossils (paleontology) etc. 

Yes, it is a human tendency to move constantly between the past, present and the future. We all are always in the present, since there is nowhere else to be, but that doesn't require our minds and thinking to be also in the present. It is queer that we often repent over the Past of which we don’t have control anymore, worry for the Future just in anticipation, but strangely, care least about the Present where we actually live in. The result frequently is guilt about our imperfect Past, anxiety for a non-existent Future, and impatience with the Present. 

So, I think, the correct way would be not to think much for the past and future rather, live in the present and enjoy the life. 

Prose: On The Face Of It (Vistas)

 Key Points:

  • The play depicts beautifully yet grimly the sad world of the physically impaired.
  • It is not the actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment that trouble a disabled man but the attitude of the people around him.
  • Two physically impaired people, Mr. Lamb with a tin leg and Derry with a burnt face, strike a band of friendship.
  • Derry is described as a young boy shy, withdrawn and defiant.
  • People tell him inspiring stories to console him, no one will ever kiss him except his mother that too on the other side of his face
  • Mentions about a woman telling that only a mother can love such a face.
  • Mr. Lamb revives the almost dead feelings of Derry towards life.
  • He motivates him to think positively about life, changes his mind set about people and things how a man locked himself as he was scared-a picture fell off the wall and got killed.
  • Everything appears to be the same but is different- Ex. of bees. And weeds
  • The gate of the garden is always open.
  • Derry is inspired and promises to come back.
  • Derry’s mother stops him but he is adamant saying if he does not go now it would be never.
  • When he comes back he sees lamb lying on the ground
  • It is ironical that when he searches a new foothold to live happily, he finds Mr. Lamb dead.
  • In this way the play depicts the heart rendering life of physically disabled people with their loneliness, aloofness and alienation.
  • But at the same time it is almost a true account of the people who don’t let a person live happily.


Question.1. Why did Mr Lamb help Derry? (2014)
Answer. Mr Lamb and Derry were both victims of physical impairment or deformity. However, unlike Derry, who became enraptured because of it, Mr Lamb was always full of life. His physical suffering had failed to damper his spirit. Thus, Mr Lamb helped Derry because he wanted him to change his perspective towards life and enjoy every moment of it.

Question.2. In what sense is the friendship between Mr Lamb and Derry fruitful? (2014)
Answer. The friendship that flourished between Mr Lamb and Derry was indeed fruitful. Mr Lamb’s unending enthusiasm and unceasing zeal to live life despite all odds helped Derry change his outlook towards life. Derry, who was just carrying on an unhappy existence, was able to see some meaning to his life after meeting Mr Lamb.

Question.3. If you were to give a different ending to the story, ‘On The Face of It’ how would you end it? (2013)
Answer. The ending of the story, ‘On the face of It’ is very sad as Mr Lamb is probably dead. In my opinion, such a beautiful story should not have such a tragic ending. In the end, Derry should have saved Mr Lamb from falling by holding the ladder at the last moment. This would have given a message of hope.

Question.4. How does Mr Lamb keep himself busy when it is a bit cool? (2012)
Answer. Mr Lamb was a person who could survive and enjoy in all circumstances and seasons. When it got cooler, Mr Lamb kept himself busy by breaking the crab apples from the trees in his garden and making jelly from them.

Question.5. Why does Mr Lamb leave his gate always open? (2011)
Answer. Mr Lamb always left his gate open because he did riot mind strangers entering his house or garden. Probably also because he was not afraid of anything.

Question.6. What is the bond that unites the two—Mr Lamb, the old and Derry, the small boy? How does the old man inspire the little boy? (2011)
Answer. It is physical disability in different forms, the empathetic feeling that creates a bond, which unites the old man and Derry. Although both face the same problem, there is a vast difference in the attitude to and perception of the problem.
The old man has an upper hand #n life and experience due to his age, which gives him the zest to inspire the little boy.

Question.7. What qualities of Mr Lamb attracted Derry to him? (2009)
Answer. Mr Lamb was a person full of life. Sadness or negativity found no place in his world. His physical impairment and people’s humiliating remarks had failed to dampen his spirit. His undying optimism and ever friendly attitude drew Derry towards him. For Derry, Mr Lamb was his source of inspiration.

Question.8. What did Derry’s mother think of Mr Lamb? (2009)
Answer. When Derry informed his mother of Mr Lamb and that he wanted to sit with him, she did not like it. She thought that he was not a good man and she did not want her son to remain in touch with him for any purpose.

Question.9. How does Mr Lamb try to remove the baseless fears of Derry? (2008)
Answer. Mr Lamb tries to remove the baseless fears of Derry by telling him that nothing in this world is so worthless that it deserves to be considered as trash. Even weeds have their own value. He advises Derry to ignore people’s comments and think of beautiful objects. He tells him to hear only those things that are worth hearing. It is attitude that matters.

Question.10.What is the bond that unites the two—the old Mr Lamb and Derry, the small boy? How does the old man inspire the small boy? (2013)
Answer. Derry, a small boy, had a side of his face burnt as acid had fallen over it. Thus he grew up to be withdrawn arid defiant.
The old Mr Lamb got one of his legs blown off in a war and had a tin leg in place of it. He lived alone, but unlike Derry, he did not let his handicap rule his life.
The physical impairment somehow united the feelings of both of them. But their attitudes to their respective situations were totally different. Mr Lamb came as an angel in the sad life of Derry. He told Derry that beauty is not limited to looks but it is in how you feel from inside. He taught him to enjoy life to the fullest.
Mr Lamb’s encouraging words elevated Derry’s confidence. For the first time in his life, he wanted to live for himself. Thus he was inspired by the old man.

Question.11.The lesson, ‘On the Face of It’ is an apt depiction of the loneliness and sense of alienation experienced by people on account of a disability. Explain. 
Answer. Mr Lamb and Derek both were victims of physical impairment. Mr Lamb had an artificial leg made of tin and Derek had a scared face. Undoubtedly, both had suffered humiliations in life on account of their handicaps.
Derek, however, suffered not only from his handicap but also from low self-esteem, lack of confidence, desolation and withdrawal. He felt that nobody wanted him or loved him. They feared looking at his ugly face.
Looking at Derek’s example, we feel that people with physical impairment need genuine concern. They can perform better than average individuals who do not suffer from any disability, provided they get the right opportunities to prove themselves.

Question.12.Derry and Mr Lamb both are victims of physical impairment but their attitudes towards life are completely different. Explain. (2009)
Answer. Derry, a fourteen year old boy, did not expect anything out of life. A pessimist, he had lost all self-regard and led an isolated existence. He felt unwanted because he had a scared face. Mr Lamb, on the other hand, was full of life. Although he lived alone and had a tin leg, he kept himself busy by tending to his garden, his bees and making toffee and jelly. He welcomed everybody to his house and garden. He enjoyed sitting in the sun, reading books and gardening. Although kids mocked him by calling him ‘Lamey Lamb/ he did not bother about it. He was an apostle of optimism, enthusiasm and hope.
Thus we see that there is a striking contrast between Mr Lamb and Derry.

Question.13.Do you think Derry’s chance meeting with Mr Lamb would prove meaningful to him? Answer giving valid reasons. (2009)
Answer. When Derry met Mr Lamb, he was a fourteen year old boy who had lost all zest for life. He had lost all self-regard and suffered from a terrible inferiority complex due to his scared face. He hated meeting people and remained withdrawn.
After meeting Mr Lamb, Derry was filled with enthusiasm for life. Mr Lamb’s words had a profound effect on him and he changed drastically. He was not overtly conscious of his ugly face any longer. We could get a reflection of Derry’s transformation in Scene two, when he reached his house after a brief encounter with Mr Lamb.
He told his mother, “You shouldn’t believe all you hear.” He categorically told her that he wanted to go back to Mr Lamb to listen to bees singing and him talking.
In the end, he rushed to meet his mentor to keep his promise to the old man. Looking at these developments, one is bound to conclude that Derry hopefully would not become secluded once again. Derek would certainly be confident and happy in the future.

Question.14.How did Mr Lamb’s meeting with Derry become a turning point in Derry’s life? (2008)
Answer. Derry’s brief association with Mr Lamb changed him from a bitter, pessimistic and complex-ridden boy to a mature and confident person. His attitude towards life underwent a transformation.
He got encouraged by Mr Lamb’s unending enthusiasm and unceasing zeal to live life. Thus Mr Lamb’s unfailing optimism helped transform Derek completely. Mr Lamb’s conversation with him about everything and everybody being essentially the same, his notion of beauty being relative, his talk about pretty girls and love, his concept of the world and friendship and the incident of the timid man, all fascinated and inspired Derek.
Gradually, Derek was able to shed his old self and rediscover life. He was able to experience the joy of little things of life like rain drops falling pitter-patter on the roof. He even told his mother, “You shouldn’t believe all you hear.”
Thus, Derek’s brief association with Mr Lamb became a turning point in his life.